Goodbye November, Hello December ......... 🦅
December got its name from the Latin word Decem (meaning ten) because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the calendar of Romulus c. 750 BC, which began in March. The winter days following December were not included as part of any month.
For the ancient Romans, December signifies the time to honor
the Gods and keep the earth fertile and abundant. A time to celebrate the
goddess or god inside us all, to hold our spirit, soul, and the gift of life as sacred.
The Month of December’s official birthstone is Turquoise,
and December's Birth Flower is the Holly (or Narcissus). The Tropical Zodiac
sign for December is Sagittarius from November the 22nd to December the 21st
and Capricorn from December the 22nd to January 19th.
The month of December represents unity & trust. A Divine
connection. Success in all areas of life. Challenges, commitments, and a time
when your power is tested and succeeding will take courage, risk, trust, and
May this month of December bring about a new chapter and new
pages of hope and accomplishments. May this month also bring us courage, strength, renewed confidence, patience, and inner peace.
May your December days also be filled with love and
sunshine, and let joy and laughter reign supreme ......... 🦅
Always with love from Suzhou, China
Thomas F O'Neill
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